SafeDecisions Press Releases

College Planning & Management-Jan. 2007

SafeDecisions teams up with the leader in campus marketing, Alloy Media+Marketing

Not so long ago, the most important things a college student had to keep track of were the phone number of the local pizza joint and maybe a term paper or two. Oh, how times have changed. Today’s students arrive on campus with MP3 players, PDAs, personal DVD players, cell phones, laptops — the list grows every year. Keeping track of all this must-have “stuff” is a challenge for even the most organized student, and the sock drawer just isn’t cutting it anymore. So what’s a 21st-century college student to do? Turn to the latest must-have student residence amenity, of course. A company called SafeDecisions is solving the problem with a high-tech fixture found in elite hotels and cruise ships — the in-room electronic safe. SafeDecisions installs the same safes found in the Waldorf-Astoria and the Ritz-Carlton in student residences across the country. Students rent the safes for $139.95 per year, and the school takes advantage of up to 25% revenue sharing. “It just makes sense,” SafeDecisions principal Herb Zucker said. “Soon, in-room electronic safes will be the norm rather than the exception in student residences, and SafeDecisions is by far the industry leader with the finest safes in the world, the best customer service and a 100% turnkey installation program that is absolutely hassle-free to administrators.” Zucker’s company has already installed thousands of in-room electronic safes at some of the country’s finest schools, including Brown, Rutgers, Northeastern, Seton Hall and the University of Pennsylvania. Zucker says he was inspired to create SafeDecisions after his four children went off to college. “When I went to school, my calculator had an arm and a roll of paper on it,” Zucker said. “Things have changed, and the schools that adapt first will have an edge over those who don’t.” Each year, more and more schools are locking up partnerships with SafeDecisions. To support the skyrocketing program, the company has just launched its “Know Where It’s At” campaign to encourage students to rent their safes. “Whether it’s a laptop, a term paper or prescription medication, every college student has important ‘stuff’ they don’t want to lose,” Zucker said. “With electronic in-room safes from SafeDecisions, now they have one place where they know they can always find those things quickly. It’s a new level of comfort — it’s being able to enjoy college life without worrying about where your ‘stuff’ is.” Zucker credits SafeDecisions’ success to a surprisingly comprehensive program that includes location scouting, delivery, installation, maintenance, and 24/7 customer support. His clients agree. “They were experienced in problems that universities and colleges often face — a lot of work to be done during a short summer break,” said Gordon R. Rickards of the University of Pennsylvania. “Their staff was professional during the installation. Their safes are of the highest quality. Most importantly, the students had no problems renting or using their product.” Made by Elsafe, SafeDecisions safes are the only electronic safes that meet the gold standard of security set by Underwriter’s Laboratories (UL). They offer easy-to-use 4-digit PIN access, remote unlock if students forget their codes, and the most rugged design in the industry. There are no keys to lose, and 24/7 customer support is always just a phone call away. “Students love it. Parents love it. And the schools actually increase revenue,” Zucker said. “To me, that’s a win-win-win situation.”