SafeDecisions Press Releases

SafeDecisions Locks Up Partnership With Alloy

The lastest "must-have" amenity is a lock to improve student residences.

SafeDecisions, the leaders of high-quality electronic in-room safes for student residences, has teamed up with Alloy Media + Marketing to increase rentals of SafeDecisions safes on college campuses nationwide. Alloy’s targeted marketing teams will staff on-campus SafeDecisions sign-up tables to promote SafeDecisions’ “Know Where It’s At” campaign. Alloy Media will sign up students on the spot for their personal safes, which are pre-installed in their rooms. SafeDecisions principal, Herb Zucker, says “ Alloy’s marketing muscle will play an instrumental part in supporting on campus advertising which is projected to significantly boost rentals.” “Alloy and their affiliated divisions have a tremendous amount of experience reaching the college market,” Zucker said. “We’re very excited about their presence on campus and the superior product SafeDecisions offers; the combination should make this a very big year for SafeDecisions.” Alloy is one of the nation’s largest providers of marketing and promotions connecting with the “millennial audience,” made up of young adults. With extensive networks across all major markets, the company and its affiliated divisions are known for their strength in execution, including mobile, event and guerilla marketing. Alloy targeted marketing team members, dressed in branded SafeDecisions T-shirts, will interact with students, answer questions and take orders on campuses across America where SafeDecisions safes are already installed. Messaging for the sign-up tables will support the “Know Where It’s At” campaign, which Zucker says addresses the changing needs of college lifestyle, rather than just focusing on security. “Whether it’s a term paper, prescription medication or a laptop, every college student has important ‘stuff’ that they don’t want to lose,” Zucker said. “With electronic in-room safes from SafeDecisions, now they have one place where they know they can always find those things quickly. It’s a new level of comfort — it’s being able to enjoy college life without worrying about where your ‘stuff’ is.” Zucker said the campaign, which includes print advertising, direct mail, outdoor advertising, point-of-sale displays and a wide variety of other media is expected to strongly support sales that are already expanding rapidly. “Soon, personal electronic safes will be in every student residence in the country. We’re finding that out first-hand with dramatic increases in sales every year,” Zucker said. “We want to let people know they should install the best — our safes are unparalleled, they are UL rated and made of the highest quality components. Our program is the most well-run and thought-out program in the industry. Our effective product and advertising make sense to the students, and that help the schools, too, because they share the revenue.” The SafeDecisions program — which is 100% turnkey, covering absolutely everything from location scouting to installation to 24/7 maintenance — offers schools up to 25% revenue sharing. SafeDecisions safes are made by Elsafe, the world leader in providing electronic safes to elite hotels and cruise ships. They are the only electronic safes that meet the gold standard of security set by Underwriter’s Laboratories (UL). The safes offer easy to use 4-digit PIN access, remote unlock if students forget their codes, and the most rugged design in the industry. Alloy Media + Marketing services over 1500 companies, including half of the Fortune 200. The company ranks fifth on the Advertising Age list of Top 100 Marketing Services Agencies, ranks among the World’s Top 25 Ad Organizations, and their promotions division (AMP) was named PROMO Magazine’s 2004 “Agency of the Year.”