Safes for Home and Personal Use

The Hotel Safe Goes Home!

HOME is our center, the place that we return to. Home is our place of origin, shelter and reflection. Behind our doors lie personal treasures, the items we require and the things that bring us joy. Home is where we celebrate and retreat. Home is the root of our comfort and our security.

Where do you keep your Birth Certificate? Where do you keep your Passport, Insurance Policies, Deed, Passwords, Cash, Will, Marriage Certificate Jewelry…

SafeDecisions has the Solution with High Style for the Most Discerning Clientele

  • Enter your closet.
  • Touch your key pad.
  • Your safe door opens.
  • Retrieve your item
  • Close the door and
  • Press lock
  • It’s that FAST and that EASY

The Infinity ll exquisitely adorn’s your personal location. Available in neutral tones of White, Grey, Gold and Black to suit your decor.

Infinity ll is UL rated, durable and offers an exclusive service that exists in no other safe! “Remote Unlocking”.

This safe is SMART! SmartSafe technology is as simple as downloading SafeDecisions App onto your mobile device. This secure feature assists you in opening your safe if you’ve forgotten your unlock touch-code.

In-room electronic home safes

To Organize The Chaos!

Planning a routine and having guidelines to follow reduces stress because you’re taking control.

“A place for everything and everything in it’s place”.

Time is valuable and when we waste it, it’s gone.

How many times have you forgotten where you’ve put something really important?

We tend to hide away the things that we care about the most. It never fails that when we need them, that’s when we can’t remember where we’ve put them. Panic and insanity sets in causing us to rummage through all of our ridiculous hiding places.

You’d be surprised to know that people waste an inordinate amount of time trying to find what they’re looking for. The choice is yours, if you really want to change your life,

take the necessary time to organize your space and you will create balance.

Your most important items must be your priority.

The documents and the things that you treasure most deserve a reliable, secure, easy access location that only you can enter.

Our Safe products will assist you in keeping track of the items that mean the most to you.

End the search… For Everything That You Hold Close.

*SafeDecisions safes are the world’s finest. Delivering a diverse selection of safes designed with you in mind and to anticipate your every need. We recommend our UL Infinity “SMART” Safe models for personal documents, passwords and valuables.

Home & Personal Safes

SafeDecisions carries a wide range of colors and sizes to suit your distinctive specifications and needs.Please click on the models below for more details and options.


    Some of the leading organizations SafeDecisions has had the opportunity to partner with